Laughter is the best medicine

Hi, how are you? How are you coping in this new world that we are living in?
I hope you are doing well, but if you are struggling financially, here are some things to cheer you up

Did you know that ....

… you can work out your abs and work on a six-pack from home by joining me in laughter with this video? Absolutely free, but please subscribe to my channel and share with your friends!

... you have the opportunity to receive a discount voucher to use at Enjoy Your Life? Things have been progressing, and you’re on my new website now. Because my new website is in infancy stage, I would like to ask you: would you improve anything if it was your website? If you email me with your recommendations, you'll get a discount on your next visit or remote session ;)

So far three people have gained a discount already by giving me feedback about my website. Great work! Thank you! Now this opportunity is open to everyone!

... if you are struggling with money, you can find lots of tips on my Money Vlog: Lots of short (and longer) videos about saving money, make more money, make your money last longer and how to become debt free. Just in case you had not been on my play-lists before :)

... that if you watch and like all videos in my Money Vlog and comment on the ones that helped you, you get a discount for coaching or healing, or a free one card reading?

That's all for now. Plenty of things to keep you occupied with in those hours that you may feel isolated or needing a hand. The next newsletter will be more fun.

Take care of yourself the best way you can and be kind

Warm regards,


