
Life Coaching

Great results, fast!

Do you feel stuck? Or spoilt for choice?

We work on making your NOW better and prepare you for your brilliant future. We talk about what you want to achieve, and we look at your whole life. You talk, I ask questions to help you get to know yourself and your desires, and help you to move forward to Enjoy Your Life! We set goals and become clear so we can put all the pieces of your puzzle in place.

You will think creatively and be motivated to start your new journey. You will feel more confident, we work on personal development, choosing direction, reducing stress and you will feel supported.

Email Coaching + Accountability

Email Coaching + Accountability

Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers

Multi-trip Discount Remember: you will get great results fast!You won’t need more than three Coaching sessions and you can space your sessions.

Multi-trip Discount Remember: you will get great results fast!

You won’t need more than three Coaching sessions and you can space your sessions.

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Energy Healing

Apart from being very relaxing, an Energy Healing session with Yvonna will give you more energy, you’ll feel balanced and less stressed and anxious.

How often do you take time out for yourself?

Yvonna will take great care of your body, mind and soul. You will find that your whole life will become much easier, not only your physical well being!

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Remote / Distance Healing and Coaching

Most of Yvonna’s services are available from the comfort of your own home, wherever that is in the world. This works especially well for people with anxiety who prefer to stay at home instead of travelling to an appointment.

So, book in and send Yvonna an email to find out more about how this related to you in particular.

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Coaching and Healing session

A Coaching and Healing session, is the perfect solution to any problem. You get Life Coaching for what you want to work on, followed by a focussed/targeted Energy Healing to heal and (re-)connect the energies. Then Yvonna will share the messages Yvonna receives from your essence. This helps you to amazingly quickly attune to your dreams and goals mentally, emotionally and energetically. All in one session, with fantastic results that last you for months to come!

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Yvonna runs a variety of workshops that blend Healing and Coaching. Some are one off, others are recurring or courses.

“Discover Your Self”

Discover your Self through Yvonna’s successful series of workshops. All these workshops are based on discovering more about your Self and how you stand in this life.