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Distance Healing by donation

Are you feeling a bit worn out, fatigued or low on energy? Can’t think clearly, feeling off balance or ungrounded? Stressed out and not able to get to the bottom of your to-do list? Tired or sleepy all the time?

You need an energy top up! Why not get a weekly or monthly healing to help you get back on track?

Wherever you are, Yvonna can send energy healing to you, your environment and the people in it. Yvonna can help, even from a distance. And she understands, she’s have been through it herself.

Yvonna will send healing to every person who donates. Every time your healing gets more elaborate and you get better and better as more things get checked of Yvonna’s list as good/stable/optimised, and she is able to look at new things for you.

So donate, it is for YOUR highest good. No need to do anything else, your energy will arrive no matter if you are busy or sleeping.

All money is gracefully received. Every payment merits a distance energy top up.

Yvonna is looking forward to being able to help you to Enjoy Your Life, Today!

Donate for Distance Healing

To book any of my services, please email me:

Payment: website shop, PayPal, internet banking, credit card or cash.

PayPal: or use the subscribe button above


Access to over 50 resources (courses, guides and development tools) covering all aspects of life including values, goal setting and fortnightly energy updates, and find out if you are ready for financial coaching or career coaching now.

Be the happiest you have been in a long time and lead the life you are only dreaming of! These resources are designed to help you fast-track to where you want to be. Today.

Book an appointment: please email Yvonna 

Book an appointment

Enjoy Your Life! Coaching and Healing

Face to face or distance/remote appointments available